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  • What happen to our minds when we get old?
    They begin to deteriorate or work less well. We forget things.
  • What type of plant is the Chuquirahua?
    a bush
  • A group of cows is called...
  • This vet is an example of a person that works in...
    Animal Husbandry
  • What body system transports the blood in our body?
    The circulatory system
  • What is the female part of the flower?
    the pistil
  • This necklace is made of ...
    animal shells
  • What product do we get from sheep?
  • Animals that mothers give birth to live young are called...
  • What is the corolla in a flower?
    the group of petals
  • Ducks are viviparous or oviparous animals?
  • What is the system that helps us to breathe?
    the respiratory system
  • Animals with no internal skeleton and no backbone are called....
  • A livestock animal can be a...
    pig, hen, cow, sheep, etc
  • Name three medicine that come from plants.
    answers may vary: chamomille, lavender, mint, lemongrass, aloe vera, etc
  • What type of plant is the KIKUYO?
    A grass
  • In which life stage can we start a family?
    During ADULTHOOD
  • What do the stamens of flowers have on top?
  • Do humans make their food through PHOTOSYNTHESIS?
  • These boots are made of leather. Leather is an example of...
    Animal skins
  • Name three materials we get from plants
    cotton, rubber, paper
  • Name these vegetables that come from the roots of plants.
    beets, carrots, potatoes
  • Is this an invertebrate?
    No it isn´t. It is a vertebrate.
  • What does the digestive system do?
    Processes the food we eat and absorbs nutrients.
  • What is the life stage in which we learn to walk?
  • What posture do humans have?
  • This wool sweater is made with....
    animal fibers
  • What are the plants that are small with thin and flexible stem?