
How Do You Respond?

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  • What is your birth date?
    My birth date is _____________.
  • Do you have any children?
    Yes or No. (If yes, say how many)
  • Are you married?
    Yes, I am. or No, I'm not.
  • Where do you live?
    I live in __________.
  • How are you?
    I am __________.
  • What is your address?
    My address is _________.
  • What is your occupation? Where do you work?
    I am a ________________. I work at _______________. or I am retired.
  • Where are you from?
    I am from ___________.
  • What is your phone number?
    My phone number is _________.
  • What is your name?
    My name is ___________.
  • How many language(s) do you speak? What languages are they?
    I speak (1,2 or 3) languages. The languages I speak are _______.