
Futures Int

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  • It all sounds lovely, but I think I _______ (have) the fish rice. (Decision in the moment)
    It all sounds lovely, but I think I’ll have the fish rice.
  • I __________ (go) to the supermarket on the way home. (Intention)
    I’m going to go to the supermarket on the way home.
  • _______ you (tell) me what I can do in Belem? (Request)
    Will you tell me what I can do in Belem?
  • I _______ (tidy) my room this weekend. (Plan)
    I’m going to tidy my room this weekend.
  • A : ‘I’ve forgotten my book.’ B: ‘I _______ (send) you a photo.’ (Offer)
    A : ‘I’ve forgotten my book.’ B: ‘I’ll send you a photo.’
  • I _______(tidy) my room this weekend. (Promise)
    I’ll tidy my room this weekend.
  • They are losing 4-0, there is no way they _______ (win). (Prediction from senses)
    They are losing 4-0, there is no way they are going to win.
  • Your phone’s very loud, ______ you (turn) it down please? (Request)
    Your phone’s very loud, will you turn it down please?
  • I _______ never (do) it again, you have my word! (Promise)
    I’ll never do it again, you have my word!
  • The team have won their last three games and I think they ____(do) it again today. (Prediction from knowledge)
    The team have won their last three games and I think they’ll do it again today.
  • I _______ (meet) an old friend for a coffee later. (Arrangement)
    I’m meeting an old friend for a coffee later.
  • _______ you (lend) me money for an ice cream? (Request)
    Will you lend me money for an ice cream?
  • I _________(try) to visit you while I’m in London. (Intention)
    I’m going to try to visit you while I’m in London.
  • I don’t have any plans for tomorrow, but I ______ probably (be) free. (Prediction from knowledge)
    I don’t have any plans for tomorrow, but I’ll probably be free.
  • Oh you’re going to Paris in autumn, it ______ (be) lovely! (Prediction from knowledge)
    Oh you’re going to Paris in autumn, it’ll be lovely!
  • ________ you (lend) me your pencil please? (Request)
    Will you lend me your pencil please?
  • It’s very cold, I _______ (put) the heating on. (Reaction/Decision in the moment)
    It’s very cold, I’ll put the heating on.
  • I’m feeling very sick, I don’t think I ________ (come) tomorrow. (Prediction from senses)
    I’m feeling very sick, I don’t think I’m going to come tomorrow.
  • Don’t worry about test, I _______ (help) you. (Promise)
    Don’t worry about test, I’ll help you.
  • I ________ (go) to the cinema at the weekend. (Arrangement)
    I’m going to the cinema at the weekend.
  • No way! I’m not going up there, its’ too high, I _______(freak out). (Prediction from knowledge)
    No way! I’m not going up there, its’ too high, I’ll freak out
  • Look at the clouds, it ________(rain). (Prediction form senses)
    Look at the clouds, it’s going to rain.
  • I ________(paint) this wall blue one day. (Intention)
    I’m going to paint this wall blue one day.
  • Paul _______ (come over) for dinner next week. (Arrangement)
    Paul is coming over for dinner next week.