
Quarter 2 Final

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  • In what industry did factories develop first?
  • During the Reign of Terror, what punishment faced those who opposed French leaders?
    Execution by guillotine
  • What machine removes seeds from raw cotton?
    cotton gin
  • The French Revolution began after what prison was stormed?
    The Bastille
  • Why did workers move from the countryside to cities?
    to live closer to their jobs in factories
  • What role did George Washington play in the American Revolution?
    He was the general of the Continental Army
  • What did James Watt contribute to the Industrial Revolution?
    He invented/improved on the steam engine
  • What was the Stamp Act?
    A tax on paper goods such as newspapers, pamphlets, and other legal documents
  • Which inventor contributed most directly to the creation of your cell phone?
    Alexander Graham Bell
  • Who belonged to each of the 3 French estates?
    1st- Clergy, 2nd- Nobles, 3rd- Middle Class and Peasant
  • What is a tenement?
    Large multi-family housing, apartment living for working class
  • Who was the King of England during the American Revolution?
    George III
  • Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?
    Thomas Jefferson
  • Who stated people had natural rights of "life, liberty, and property"?
    John Locke
  • Was the diverse geography/landscape an advantage or disadvantage to Patriot soldiers?
    Advantage - They knew the area and the British did not.
  • Why was the Battle of Saratoga so important in the American Revolution?
    It was a turning point victory, convinced France to join and support the colonies
  • Why were colonists upset with Parliament about all the taxes they were required to pay?
    They were angered because they were taxed with represenation
  • What is capitalism?
    An economic system based on private ownership
  • What is a labor union?
    Group of workers who band together to seek better working conditions
  • What country did the Industrial Revolution begin in?
  • What is the idea that the government should play as small a role as possible in economic affairs?
  • The principle that all government power comes from the people
    popular sovereignty
  • What ideas of Cesare Beccaria were incorporated into the Bill of Rights?
    crime and punishment
  • What enlightenment thinker believed a government's power should be separated into 3 branches?
  • Who said “I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.”?
  • Why did children enter the workforce?
    To help support their families
  • What is the Bessemer process?
    A cheap, easy, and quick way to process iron into steel
  • Define urbanization
    The rapid growth of cities as people move to be near factories
  • What was the enclosure movement?
    Wealthy landowners fencing off their land, forcing small farmers out
  • Who inspired the French to fight for their rights?