
13.12.2021 Iza

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  • I used to writing tests in that way.
    I got used to writing tests in that way.
  • I look like a children.
    I look like a child.
  • I learnt to do it much slowlier.
    I learnt to do it much more slowly.
  • something that's not planned or arranged but seems like it is
  • makeup that makes your eyelashes look longer and thicker
  • It's impossible to tell with each other about the questions.
    It's impossible to talk with each other about the questions.
  • The palce can have 20 years old.
    The palce can be 20 years old.
  • a hair that grows from your top or bottom eyelid
  • either a program that lets you surf the Internet or a person in a store who just looks around without buying