
Parts of Speech

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  • in the sentence:  "My sister has BIG eyes", what type of word is BIG?
  • Find the noun(s): Sometimes, my sister, my dad and I go to the nearby library together.
    sister, dad, library
  • Find the adverb(s): "Yesterday, I went to the local cinema".
  • In the sentence "I like to SING and DANCE", what type of words are "sing" and "dance"?
  • in, on, at, under, are examples of...
  • Which word(s) in the following sentence are NOUNS? "The game was cancelled since the rain didn't stop, but we will try to play again tomorrow."
    game, rain, 
  • Use an adjective in a sentence.
    The students are smart.
  • Find the noun(s): I baked a delicious cake.
  • Find the preposition(s): The brave fireman proudly stood on the burning roof while the others watched from under the old oak tree.
    on, from, under
  • girl, England, school, are examples of...
  • Give me an example of a noun
  • Is the word "today" an adverb?
    Yes, it is.
  • Which of the following is a verb? yellow / in / Rome / drive
  • In the sentence: "My dog sleeps UNDER my bed", what type of word is "under"?
  • How many adjectives? "The blonde boy has beautiful green eyes".
    3- blonde, beautiful, green
  • What is the function or job of a verb?
    It is the action.
  • Which words in the following sentence are VERBS? "I eat bacon and I drink orange juice."
    eat, drink
  • Find the adverb(s) "Worriedly, Jorge told her to walk carefully in the future".
    worriedly, carefully
  • In the sentence "She is my BEST friend", what type of word is "best"?
  • A type of word that describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. It gives us info such as how, how many, when, etc. Many of these words end in -ly.
  • Red, three, big, beautiful, are examples of...
  • In the sentence: "The sea is CALM today", what type of word is "calm"?
  • Use an noun: "I have a brown ___".
    dog, sweater, umbrella... etc
  • Things, places, people. For example; house, park, woman.
  • Which word in the following sentence is a PREPOSITION? "Hey! Stop running in the hallway!"
  • Use a verb to complete: "I  ____ an apple".
    ... eat / have / draw / etc
  • In the sentence "Hi, my name is Laura", what type of word is Laura?
  • Which word in the following sentence is a NOUN? "Have you ever been to Paris?"
  • Which word(s) in the following sentence are PREPOSITIONS? "The folders are in the cabinet next to the books."
    in, next to
  • Which word(s) in the following sentence are ADVERBS? "Use your time wisely."
  • How many verbs? Ian and Sarah come and go many times.
    2-come, go
  • Find the verb(s): I just want to stay in my cozy bed all day and read fantasy novels.
    want, stay, read
  • In the sentence: "John IS very sleepy", what type of word is "is"?
  • How many nouns are the in the following sentence? "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".
    2-apple, doctor
  • Carefully, slowly, fast, are examples of...
  • Find the noun(s): If I were you, I would go to see a dentist.