
IDEAS strategy practice

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  • The dubious look that Mr. Smith gave Sam told him that Mr. Smith did not believe the excuse.      Dubious
    Doubtful, not trusting
  • His exuberance about the party was contagious and everyone was just as excited as he was.  exuberance
    Full of excitement, Full of joy
  • His mother chided her son for not taking out his dog for a walk as promised.  chided
  • The cantankerous man yelled at the kids for making too much noise at the park.   cantakerous
    cranky, annoyed
  • After having his arm in a cast for weeks, the muscles began to atrophy.  Atrophy
    waste away, weaken
  • She overcame much adversity in her life, despite having many struggles.  adversity
    Difficulty, Obstacles, Hurdles
  • Her grey dress look drab compared to the brightly colored costumes.  drab
    plain, simple
  • After the storm, we helped clean up by collecting debris left around the neighborhood.  Debris
  • The rain was relentless, not letting up for even a moment. Relentless
    persistent, without a break
  • Jane found Mike's rude behavior abominable and decided not to be in his group for the project.   admoninable
  • After studying for final exams and completing all the assignments, I looked haggard. Haggard
    exhausted, worn out
  • The new girl sat alone in the cafeteria looking forlornly at the other tables full of talking students.    Forlonly