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  • Can you read these words?
    Iceberg and zigzag
  • Can you read this sentence? 
    This is the sea, so wild and free.
  • Can you read these words?
    Grins and fins
  • Can you read this sentence
    This is the teacher holding her chalk.
  • Can you read these words?
    Ice and caves 
  • Who is the author of the book?
    Julia Donaldson 
  • Can you read these words?
    Rock and Dock
  • Can you read these words?
    Children and school 
  • Can you read these words?
    Speed and boat = SpeedBoat
  • Can you read these words?
    Amazed and upset 
  • Can you read this sentence?
    sometimes sunny and blue and warm.
  • Can you read these words?
    Shark and digging 
  • Can you read these words?
    snail and whale