
Traditional dishes around the world!

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  • French fries are from France. True or false?
    False. Fries are from Belgium.
  • Where is the acarajé dish from?
    It is from Brazil.
  • The tomato soup is a traditional dish in India. True or false?
    True. The Shu'bah' is a form of tomato soup, very traditional in India.
  • The yakisoba is a Japanese dish. True or false?
    False. It's a Chinese dish.
  • Chiles en Nogada is a traditional dish from Chile. True or false?
    False. It's a traditional Mexican dish.
  • Where is the dish Fish 'n Chips from?
    It is from England.
  • Where is coffee from?
    Coffee is from Yemen.
  • The sandwich is from the USA. True or false?
    False. The sandwich is from England.
  • Cassoulet is a traditional dish from France. True or false?
    True. It's a traditional French dish.
  • Where is the brigadeiro from?
    It's from Brazil.