
Dog Man Unleashed (#2)

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  • Flat Petey uses _____________ to make the dinosaur do things he says to do. A) living spray B) obey spray
    B) obey spray
  • Who is this? A) Zuzu B) Sarah C) Dog Man D) Petey
  • Which of these is NOT a BAD character? A) Petey B) Sarah Hatoff C) Flippy D) Flat Petey
    B) Sarah Hatoff
  • Who is the mysterious impostor? A) Petey B) Flat Petey C) Flippy D) Zuzu
    C) Flippy
  • Dog Man likes to roll around in dead __________. A) flowers B) cats C) bugs D) fish
    D) dead fish
  • At the end of the story, Dog Man licks Flat Petey so he will ________. A) become his friend B) freeze into ice C) start laughing
    B) freeze into ice
  • Whose birthday is it in the story? A) Dog Man B) Petey C) the Chief D) Flippy
    C) the Chief
  • Flippy becomes ___________ because he eat "Brain Dots". A) smarter B) slower C) stronger D) more beautiful
    A) smarter
  • What does the witch doctor use to make Flat Petey come to life? A) obey spray B) living spray C) bug spray
    B) living spray
  • What kind of pet does Dog Man buy for the Chief's birthday?
    a fish
  • Petey goes back to Cat Jail because too many people _________ him. A) fight B) love C) want to eat
    B) love
  • Who is this? A) Petey B) Flat Petey C) Paper Mario
    Flat Petey