
The weather - Cities

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  • What's the weather like in Moscow?
    It's snowy in Moscow
  • What's the weather like in Paris?
    It's rainy in Paris
  • What's the weather like in Concepción?
    It's rainy in Concepción
  • What's the weather like in Lima?
    It's windy in Lima
  • What's the weather like in Pucón?
    It's cloudy in Pucón
  • What's the weather like in Santiago?
    It's sunny in Santiago
  • What's the weather like in Ottawa?
    It's snowy in Ottawa
  • What's the weather like in Madrid?
    It's sunny in Madrid
  • What's the weather like in Rio de Janeiro?
    It's Stormy in Rio de Janeiro
  • What's the weather like in Buenos Aires?
    It's stormy in Buenos Aires
  • What's the weather like in Tokyo?
    It's cloudy in Tokyo
  • What's the weather like in Auckland?
    It's windy in Auckland