
Ancient Roman Government

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  • How many consuls were elected
  • What were the laws engraved on and where did the Romans keep them?
    tablets of metal and Forum in Rome
  • What would consuls do if they did not agree on something?
    They could veto each other
  • How long were Senators selected for?
  • Who advised the consuls?
  • Why were there 2 consuls
    The Romans wanted to keep one leader from becoming a king or dictator
  • What were the tablets called that had the laws on them?
    The Twelve Tables
  • Early Rome was ruled by a series of kings for about
    200 years
  • Tarquin the Proud was a
  • When Rome began it was a
  • They wanted all laws ________________________ to all citizens.
    applied equally
  • How many Senators were there in the Roman Republic
  • What was the most powerful position in the Roman Republic?
  • Name two of the new laws that were created by the Roman senators that we have in the United States today?
    1. You are innocent until proven guilty. 2. Every citizen has the right to face their accusers in court.
  • The ancient Romans wanted their government to be a _______________ government
  • The last king of Rome was
    Tarquin the Proud
  • Romans elected 2 top senators called
  • Name the 3 types of government that the Ancient Romans followed
    Monarchy, Republic, and Empire
  • How many senators do we have in the United States?
  • When did Roman become a Republic?
    509 BC
  • The Roman Republic was run by a large group of
  • Many historians called the new Republic government the
    ashes of monarchy
  • Consuls decide three things. What were they?
    when to go to war, how much taxes to collect, and what the laws were.
  • How long did a consul serve?
    1 year
  • Did Romans have a constitution?
  • What were the senator's main job?
    Their main job was to create laws for all citizens to abide by.