
December Holiday Categories

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  • Name a Holiday Item that is Red
    Rudolph's Nose, Poinsettia, Santa's Suit, etc.
  • Name a Decoration on a Christmas Tree
    Lights, Ornaments, Tinsel, etc.
  • Name a Holiday Decoration
    Tree, Menorah, Wreath, etc.
  • Name a Holiday Item that is Green
    Tree, The Grinch, Holly, etc.
  • Name Something or Someone at the North Pole
    Santa, Santa's Workshop, Elves, etc.
  • Name a Holiday Smell
    Pine trees, gingerbread, peppermint, etc.
  • Name a Present on your Holiday Wishlist
    Games, Clothes, Toys, etc.
  • Name small present that could fit in a stocking (Stocking Stuffer)
    Candy, Socks, gift cards, etc.
  • Name a Holiday Item that Starts with the Letter "S"
    Santa, Sleigh, Snowman, etc.
  • Name Something Nice You Can Do for Others during the Holidays
    Give gifts, Say a Holiday Greeting, Volunteer, etc.
  • Name a Holiday Celebrated in December
    Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc.
  • Name a Holiday Snow Activity
    Building a Snowman, Sledding, Snowball Fight
  • Name Something You Put on a Gingerbread House
    Gumdrops, Icing, M&Ms, etc.
  • Name one of Santa's Reindeer
    Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, etc.
  • Name a Holiday Drink
    Hot Chocolate, Eggnog, Cranberry Juice, etc.
  • Name a Holiday Movie
    Elf, Home Alone, A Christmas Story, etc.
  • Name a Holiday Activity
    Decorating the tree, Watching movies, Singing carols
  • Name Something that Santa Wears
    Red Suit, Hat, Boots, etc.
  • Name a Holiday Song
    Jingle Bells, Silent Night, My Dreydel, etc.
  • Name a Holiday Desert
    Candy Cane, Gingerbread, Fruit Cake, etc.