
Aviation English Unit 4 Vocabulary

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  • a substance that causes illness, injury or death if taken into the body or produced within the body.
  • A device that responds to a physical stimulus (as heat, light, sound, pressure, magnetism, or a particular motion) and transmits a resulting impulse (as for measurement or operating a control).
  • the fence around the outer edge of an area of land or the border around it
    perimeter fence
  • a camera that checks out what is going on somewhere for security reasons
    CCTV camera
  • a number of devices designed to scare birds
    bird scarer
  • a bird that hunts and eats other animals
    bird of prey
  • a device or hole for catching animals or people and preventing their escape
  • the grassy area right next to the runway
    grass margin
  • a dog that has been trained to find drugs or explosives by using its sense of smell
    sniffer dog