
Guest speaker - Alicia Aguayo

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  • What is the Salary for a Communications Director?
  • What type of education/training is needed for this career?
    Training: Graphic design, video editing, film production, writing, community organizing Education: environmentalism, intersectionality, political science, socio
  • Does a Communications Director work alone or with a team?
    with a team of 8
  • Can a Communications Director advance in their career?
  • how long has our guest speaker been working at their job?
    2 months
  • What is the job title of out guest speaker?
    Communications Director
  • Does our guest work indoors, outdoors,Both?
    Both. Indoors/outdoors (mostly indoors)
  • What was the first college our guest speaker attended?
    University of California , Irvine (UCI)
  • What is our guest speakers Name?
    Alicia Aguayo
  • True or False? Only women can become Communication Directors?
  • True or Flase? Our guest speaker travels to different countries for her job?
  • What is the Name of the Company our Guest Speaker works for?
    People’s Collective for Environmental Justice
  • What are some Hazard's our guest speaker faces daily?
    Exposure to bad air quality consistently and contaminants when we visit sites locally.
  • Did our guest speaker have to go to college for their job?
  • Did our Guest Speaker attend Arroyo Valley High school?