
04.12.2021 Łukasz

  •   0%
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  • I ................ (żałuję) buying that catering.
  • Once I bought a ............... (zdrapkę) and won 5 zł.
    sctatch card
  • I ................. (usunąłem) the file by accident.
  • I'd like to ...................... (anulować zamówienie).
    cancel the order
  • I joined to an interest group on FB.
    I joined an interest group on FB.
  • We realized after buy that the dog didin't like the toy.
    We realized after buying that the dog didin't like the toy.
  • I lost some money in bad ................ (investycji).
  • If they ..................... (ogłoszą upadłość) I won't get my money back.
    declare bankrupcy