
Social Thinking Review Units 1-5

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  • Why is it important to identify our own feelings?
    How we feel can change the way we act. It helps us understand how other people feel too.
  • What does it mean to be a 'flexible thinker'?
    To think about other people's thoughts and feelings
  • What does it mean to be a 'stuck thinker'?
    To think only or yourself and what you want
  • Why is it important to use 'expected behaviors' when we are around other people in different social situations?
    So that they will have good thoughts and feelings about us.
  • What are some 'hidden rules' when you are shopping at Wal-Mart?
  • True or False: 'Thinking with your eyes' can help you know how other people are feeling.
  • How is 'thinking with your eyes' different from 'eye contact'?
    Eye contact is to look someone in the eye/face to let let them know that they have your attention/that you're listening.
  • Give me an example of a situation when you should use 'social thinking'.
  • True or False: 'Thinking with your eyes' can help keep you safe.
  • When I use my social thinking sills to consider the thoughts and feelings of others, how will people feel about me? What kinds of thoughts will they have?
  • Do people have the same size feelings in response to the same situation?
  • True or False: 'Thinking with your eyes' can help you know what to do when you're in a new situation.
  • When my teacher says I need to put my phone away, what would be a flexible thinking response?
    Put my phone away
  • Flexible Thinking: If I say, "it's raining cats and dogs outside", what do I mean?
    It's raining really hard.
  • Can you use your 'social thinking' skills to figure out which people you don't want to spend time around?
  • Why is it important to let others know how I'm feeling?
    It will help other people understand what I might need.
  • When my teacher says I need to put my phone away, what would be a stuck thinking response?
    Keep it out, continue to play on it
  • True or False: It is OK to make mistakes while we learn to become better social thinkers.
  • What is an 'expected behavior'?
    Behavior that most people do in a certain place or certain situation
  • True or False: Social Thinking skills are ALL learned in a classroom with a teacher.
  • What is an 'unexpected behavior'?
    Behavior that most people wouldn't do or shouldn't do in a certain situation.
  • True or False: 'Thinking with your eyes' can help you figure out the group plan.
  • What does it mean to 'think with your eyes'?
    We use our eyes and our brain power to look at a situation and the people in the situation to figure out the meaning of what we're seeing.
  • What are some things we can do to figure out how others feel?
    Look at the situation/hidden rules; look at facial expressions, body language, and listen to voice tone and volume; listen to the words people are using
  • What does 'Social Thinking' mean?
    It is the thinking our brain does about other people.