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  • photosynthesis is the only process by which carbon dioxide can enter the living world. in which cycle do we find this happening?
    carbon cycle
  • most organisms take it in for respiration
  • in the nitrogen cycle what is found in the soil?
  • oxygen is given off during the day in which cycle ?
    oxygen cycle
  • in the carbon cycle what happens when organisms die?
    they are decomposed meaning they are broken down into smaller compounds by bacteria or fungi.
  • protein is essential in this cylce?
    nitrogen cycle
  • How do animals help in the carbon cycle?
    By breathing out carbon dioxide
  • how do plants help in the nitrogen cycle?
    by roots that use and release nitrates.
  • When water evaporates it is part of which cycle?
    water cycle
  • bacteria converts ______ to ammonium compounds.
  • Combustion takes place in which cycle?
    carbon cycle
  • Which of the cycles need carbon dioxide to have its process taking place?
    carbon cycle
  • the nitrogen cycle faeces produces________.
    ammonium compounds/ nitrifying bacteria