
Sarcasm vs serious

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  • Is this sarcastic or serious: Your class is going to watch March of the Penguins and you have watched it too many times. "Can't wait to watch it for the 100th time" you say
  • Is this sarcastic or serious: You are trying to get someone's attention. "Excuse me"
  • Is this sarcastic or serious: You are going to the mall after school and love shopping! "I can't wait to go to the mall today."
  • Is this sarcastic or serious: You have been accused of lying when you know you did nothing wrong. "Seriously" you say
  • Is this sarcastic or serious: You lost your wallet at school. "I had a great day today." you tell mom when she asks about your day
  • Is this sarcastic or serious: You are really angry that your friend ruined your homework. "Sure Paul. Take my homework and mess it up as many times as you want" you say
  • Is this sarcastic or serious: The weather is cold and rainy. "What beautiful weather we're having"
  • Is this sarcastic or serious: You won an art contest and won $20 in a contest. "I had a great day today"
  • Is this sarcastic or serious: You see a friend in the hallway that you just saw a few minutes ago.  You say "Hi! How are you?"
  • Is this sarcastic or serious: You see a friend in the hallway. "Hi how are you?"
  • Is this sarcastic or serious: You have to go to the mall but you don't like shopping. "How fun. I can't wait to go to the mall" you tell mom
  • Is this sarcastic or serious: You can't find your notebook so you ask the person sitting next to you. "Do you know where my notebook is."