
Stuttering Quiz

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  • Practice: The mailbox was bent and broken and looked like someone had knocked it over on purpose.
  • Practice and say: I enjoy science and math, but I don't like studying history.
  • Practice: Last week, I went to the dentist for a check-up and he found two cavities.
  • Practice: They took marshmallows to the campfire so they could make smores.
  • What are 2 examples of types of stutters?
    whole word repetition, part word repetition, prolongation, block
  • Practice a strategy and say: I would like to learn to play the piano, but I know it will take a lot of practice.
  • Use easy onset to state your name and age
  • What is is called when you get stuck on a word or sound?
    a block
  • Use a strategy to say: The dog went across the road and dug up the neighbor's flowers.
  • What is a whole word repetition?
    when a whole word is repeated (my, my, my, my dog)
  • Use pausing and phrasing to say this sentence: The dog ran away from its owner and no one could find it.
  • Practice: The mouse was so hungry he ran across the kitchen floor without even looking for humans.
  • What are the steps when using the pull-out strategy?
    think, relax, continue speaking
  • What is a part word repetition?
    when part of a word is repeated (ba,,,ba,,ba,,,baby)
  • Pick a strategy and say: When the teacher entered the room, the class stopped talking.
  • What is easy onset?
    talking on air-slow and easy
  • Practice: The chocolate chip cookies smelled so good that my sister ate one without asking.
  • Name your favorite sport/team and state why using easy onset/light contact
  • Where can tension build up when speaking?
    lips, tongue, throat
  • How are cancelation and pullout strategies different?
    Cancelation: you stop and restart you word/sentence; pullout: you pause and relax but continue the word where the stuttering happened.
  • What is a pull-out?
    a strategy used during a stutter; you slowdown and try to continue what you are saying
  • Practice: That boy is so rude that he doesn't care if a door slams in your face or if he cuts in line.
  • Practice: How did you know that I was going to have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch?
  • Pick a strategy and say: I will talk a long walk in the park with my friends.
  • Use pausing and phrasing to say this sentence: I want to buy a new video game so I need to save my money.
  • Practice: We knocked on the door three times, but no one answered the door.
  • When do you use easy onset, light contact, pausing/phrasing (hint: before-to prevent; during to stop)
    Before a stutter has happened; to prevent/reduce stutter
  • Practice: Rachel fell in the mud when she was walking home from the park today.
  • Practice and say: On the weekend, I like to stay up late, play games and sleep in.
  • What is cancellation?
    a strategy used during a stutter; you stop speaking and start the word or sentence again
  • Practice and say: When I went to the store, I wanted to buy a sweater, but there were none in my size.
  • What is a prolongation?
    a sound or group of sounds is stretched out when you are speaking.
  • When do you use cancelation and pullout strategies? (Hint: before-to prevent; during to stop)
    During a stutter to reduce tension and hopefully stop/reduce the stutter
  • What are the steps in using cancellation?
    pause, think, relax, repeat
  • What is pausing/phrasing?
    breaking phrases and sentences into manageable pieces
  • Practice and say: If am miss the bus, I will be late for work.
  • What does light contact mean?
    having reduced the tension on sounds when you begin to speak
  • Use light contact and name 3 games you enjoy.
  • Practice: My aunt made us milkshakes with frozen bananas and chocolate sauce.
  • Practice: Sofie did not follow the directions for the assignment and got a poor grade.
  • Use light contact: name 3 foods you enjoy