
Speaking Questions B1

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  • Are there advantages to living in a small town rather than in a big city?
    In a small town you can / In a big city you
  • What has been the most important moment in your life so far?
    I think the most important day of my life was when I ....
  • If you could choose to visit a city you've never been to, which one would you choose?
    I really want to go to / I really would like to go to ...
  • Many people say life's too busy these days. Why do you think they say this?
    From my point of view / I think that / It's due to
  • Would you prefer to live in a modern city or a city with lots of history?
    I prefer ..... because I like / I love
  • Is it better to go shopping with friends or alone?
    To be honest / I guess that
  • What can people do to have a good holiday in your country?
    People can / They can / They should / They have to visit, go, eat, etc.
  • Do you think you have to spend a lot of money to have a good holiday?
    In my opinion / From my point of view / I think that