
06.12.2021 B2+ eTutor

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  • A lot of men which wives work must help them in the chores.
    A lot of men whose wives work must help them in the chores.
  • It depends of agree on the rules.
    It depends on agreeing on the rules.
  • I will go to Poznań in the next week.
    I'm going / going to go to Poznań next week.
  • A: I don't have a jucer. B: ................ (Ja też nie).
    Me neither. / Neither do I.
  • My bedroom is cleaning by myself.
    My bedroom is cleaned by myself. / I clean my bedroom myself.
  • You have right.
    You are right.
  • I don't need that—you can .................. (wyrzucić to).
    throw it away
  • You have to work hard to .................. (utrzymać rodzinę).
    maintain the family
  • I met him when I joined to the company.
    I met him when I joined the company.
  • We are divide between us the duties.
    We share domestic chores.
  • I have allergic to strawberries.
    I am allergic to strawberries.
  • Have you ................. (podlałaś kwiatki) today?
    watered the plants
  • All your plants grow so fast. You must .................... (mieć rękę do roślin).
    have green fingers / a green thumb
  • She don't like cleaning the kitchen so I do it.
    She doesn't like cleaning the kitchen so I do it.