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  • Do men and women have different chores in the household? What are considered manly/masculine chores? What are considered girly/feminine chores?
  • Do you like to do housework?
  • Are you good at fixing things around the house?
  • Do you use any products to sanitize your living space?
  • How often do you do the laundry?
  • Can you think of some dangerous chores that you can't do?
  • What are the household chores that you do? How often do you do them?
  • Have you ever hired a house cleaner?
  • What's the one house chore you really hate?
  • If you could buy only one of this two things, would you choose a dishwasher or a washing machine?
  • Do you find any chores therapeutic?
  • Have you ever had an empty fridge for a long time only because you were too lazy to go grocery shopping?
  • Can you name some chores that need to be done everyday?
  • Is it a good idea to pay kids for doing chores? What could be the reasons?
  • Is your home clean? Are you an organized person?
  • Who does what chores in your family?
  • How many hours a week do you spend on house chores?
  • Which one do you prefer: ironing the clothes or vacuuming the house?
  • Do you hate doing chores or you don't mind them?