
World War II Review

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  • Who was the dictator of Germany during World War II?
    Adolf Hitler
  • When did the Allies celebrate victory over Germany?
    VE Day
  • Name the countries that make up the Allied powers of Wold War II?
    The U.S., Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union
  • Name the mass genocide of more than 6 million Jews during World War II?
    The Holocaust
  • What highly dangerous weapon was created that has changed the nature of war as we know it?
    Atomic Bomb
  • What was the event that catapulted World War II?
    Hitler invading France
  • What was the turning point for the Allied forces?
  • Name the countries that make up the Axis powers of World War II?
    Germany, Japan, and Italy
  • What event forced the U.S. to join the war?
    Japan's bombing of Pearl Harbor
  • Which two cities were devastated in Japan during World War II?
    Hiroshima and Nagasaki