
Basic - Lesson 8

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  • Say in English: Meu estojo é azul.
    My pencil case is blue.
  • Answer the question: Are you married or single?
  • Say in English: Sua amiga é bonita.
    Your friend is beautiful.
  • Answer the question: What's your email address?
  • Answer the question: Where are you from?
  • Say in English: O carro deles é branco.
    Their car is white.
  • Answer the question: Do you prefer tea or coffee?
  • Answer the question: How old are you?
  • Say in English: A casa deles é grande.
    Their house is big.
  • Say in English: O amigo dela é alto.
    Her friend is tall.
  • Say in English: A mochila dela é vermelha.
    Her bag is red.
  • Say in English: O carro dele é caro.
    His car is expensive.
  • Answer the question: What's your address?
  • Answer the question: What's your cellphone number?
  • Say in English: O caderno dele é preto.
    His notebook is black.
  • Say in English: Nossa casa é pequena.
    Our house is small.
  • Answer the question: What's your best friend's name?
  • Say in English: Nosso carro está sujo.
    Our car is dirty.