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  • There are more sheep in Australia than kangaroos. True or False?
    TRUE!! There are 68 million sheep!!!
  • Australia's highest mountain, Mt Kosciuszko, is smaller than Mt Blanc. True or False?
    TRUE! It's only half as tall!! 2228m!
  • Koalas eat leaves from all types of eucalyptus trees. True or False?
    FALSE!! They only eat leaves from 40-50 types of eucalyptus trees - out of 900 types of eucalyptus trees.
  • Australia is much smaller than the USA. True or False?
    FALSE!! It's just a little bit smaller!
  • It snows at Christmas in Australia. True or False?
    FALSE!! December is SUMMER in Australia
  • The largest kangaroos can weigh even 50kg. True or False?
    FALSE!! Actually, they can weigh up to 90kg!
  • Australia has 6 states and 2 territories. True or False?
    TRUE!! The Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory (where Canberra is) are not states.
  • The climate in Australia is very warm.
  • Australian banknotes are made of plastic. True or False?
    True!! Australians invented plastic money!
  • There are 15 million kangaroos in Australia. True or False?
    FALSE!!! There are an estimated 50 million kangaroos!
  • Sydney is the capital city of Australia. True or False?
    FALSE!! The capital city is Canberra!
  • There are 40 species of spider that can hurt you (venomous), in Australia. True or False?
    TRUE!! But around 2000 species that won't hurt you :)
  • 'G'day' is 'Hi!' in 'Australian'. True or False?
    TRUE!! G'day is short for 'Good Day' :)
  • Almost all children must wear school uniform to school in Australia. True or False?
  • Australia has a population of 25 million people. True or False?
    TRUE!! In comparison, the USA, similar size, has a population of 328 million
  • Australians call sunglasses 'sunnies'. True or False?
    TRUE!! Australians shorten lots of words!
  • Australia is 20 times bigger than the UK. True or False?
    FALSE!!! Australia is 32 times bigger than the UK
  • There are more kangaroos in Australia than people. True or False?
    TRUE!! 50 million kangaroos, 25 million people!!
  • Children who live on farms go to schools.
    False !!! They have online or radio lessons!!
  • Australians invented WiFi. True of False?
    TRUE!!! Can you imagine life without it?
  • There are more koalas in Australia than kangaroos. True or False?
    FALSE!!! There are only about 330 000 koalas!!
  • Australian flag is blue with British flag and stars.