
can/could/to be able to

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  • ___ give me a pen, please?
    Could you / can you
  • He _______ come now. (negative)
  • If you follow the instructions you should ______ set up the computer without a problem.
    be able to
  • Not all countries ______ to make high-quality products.
    are able
  • My brother _______ _______ driven to Vigo, but he preferred to walk.
    could have
  • I'm free tonight, so I'll ____come and help you.
    I'll be able to
  • He didn't want to come, but finally we _____ persuade him.
    were able to
  • They _______ _______ finished earlier.
    could have
  • When you called yesterday I ______ pick it up because I was in the shower.
  • She says that she _____ speak five languages fluently
  • At the end of the course you ______ ______ speak fluently.
    will be able to
  • I remember my brother ____draw much better than me.
    could/was able to
  • I haven't ____ sleep very well lately.
    been able to
  • She ______ _______ played basketball well, but she didn't practice.
    could have
  • We tried, but we_____ stop the fire.
    couldn't/ weren't able to
  • We ____ get a picture of the painting because cameras were not allowed.
    couldn't/weren't able to
  • you _____ stay until late tonight if you want.
  • ____ I come with you to the party?
  • ____ you help me with the bags, please?
  • I used to ____ touch my toes when I was younger.
    to be able to
  • Police officers searched the area but he ______ get away.
    was able to
  • She fell into the river, but fortunately the firefighters ______ rescue her.
    were able to
  • My grandfather _________ drive. (negative)