
Past simple irregular spelling

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  • Bring - think - buy - catch - teach
    Brought - thought - bought - caught - taught
  • Where did your mum grow up?
    She grew up in....
  • Know - grow - throw
    Knew - grew - threw
  • I ride my bike every day. But yesterday ,
    I rode my bike in the park.
  • Lose
  • Sleep- mean - read - meet - leave
    Slept - meant - met - read- left
  • I never leave my pencil case at home. But yesterday..
    I left it.
  • I usually swim slowly. But yesterday ..
    I swam fast!
  • Speak - wear - write - wake - swear - rise - win - ride - sell
    Spoke - wore - wrote - woke - swore - rose - won - rode -sold
  • Did you know that lizards eat mosquitos?
    Yes, I did. I knew that. Or No, I didn't. I didn't know that.
  • Build - burn - lend - spell - send - smell
    Built - burnt - lent - spelt - sent - smelt
  • What was the last thing you paid for?
    The last thing I paid for was ......
  • I never write emails. But yesterday...
    I wrote an email to my....
  • Can you help me, please? Sorry? What did you say?
    I said "can you help me"
  • Let - cut - put - set
    Let - cut - put - set
  • Say - pay
    Said - paid
  • I normally sit at the back of the class. But yesterday
    I sat at the front.
  • I usually wear trousers to school. But yesterday,
    I wore....
  • Swim - sit - sing
    Swam - sat - sang