
Runner 3 - Unit 4 Review

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  • (Health) Name three healthy activities.
    (Answers will vary.)
  • (Question tags) Zanov and Nata are best friends, _____?
    aren't they?
  • (The present perfect) A: _____ _____ have you had the cough? B: I've had it _____ four days ago.
    How long; since
  • (Health) Name the item and explain.
    Vaccine. A substance injected to boost one's immune system against a disease.
  • (Illnesses and modal verbs for advice) Name the illness and give some advice.
    Sore throat. Advice will vary.
  • (Illnesses and modal verbs for advice) Name the illness and give some advice.
    Cold. Advice will vary.
  • (Health) Name the item and explain.
    Pills. Small round masses of medicine to be swallowed whole.
  • (Injuries and modal verbs for advice) Name the injury and give some advice.
    Sprained ankle. Advice will vary.
  • (The present continuous for future arrangements) William _____ (meet) his friends after school to study for next week's exams.
    is meeting
  • (Question tags) You haven't seen the doctor, _____?
    have you?
  • (Health) Name the item and explain.
    Prescription. A doctor's instruction to allows a patient to be given certain a medication or treatment.
  • (The present continuous for future arrangements) Zaki _____ (go) to Thailand next month. He's already bought the ticket.
    is going
  • (The present perfect) Cleo _____ (take) her pills.
    has taken
  • (The present perfect) Aliyya hasn't been to school _____ a year and a half.
  • (Injuries and modal verbs for advice) Name the injury and give some advice.
    Broken bone. Advice will vary.
  • (Health) Name three unhealthy activities.
    (Answers will vary.)