
Nutrition and Diet

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  • These are nutrients that can be lipids or proteins. We should obtain them from food, as the body cannot synthesize them.
  • Organic molecules that are not water soluble.
    Lipids (fats)
  • These nutrients are exclusive to living beings
    Organic nutrients
  • A conscious and voluntary process by which we ingest foods from the external environment.
  • Foods are of three types, depending on the function they carry out in our body. Name the three types.
    Energetic, Plastic/Structural, and Regulator
  • These types of foods are rich in vitamins or mineral salts, nutrients that regulate different metabolic processes.
  • These types of foods are high in proteins to provide materials and create and renew structures in the body.
    Plastic or Structural
  • Macromolecules formed by simpler units called amino acids.
  • These types of food contain abundant carbohydrates or lipids to obtain energy.
  • The body's main source of energy. Glucose and cellulose are examples.
  • These nutrients are present in living beings and inert beings
    inorganic nutrients
  • Foods are organized into ___ groups in the food wheel.
  • The series of subconscious and involuntary processes that extracts nutrients from food.