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  • What does she do after school?
    She does laundry after school.
  • What are his chores? usually/ plants/ water
    He usually waters the plants.
  • What do they do in the morning?
    They feed the chicken in the morning.
  • what are her chores? Sometimes/ clean/ bathroom.
    She sometimes cleans the bathroom.
  • What does he do in the morning?
    He takes out the garbage in the morning.
  • When does he make his bed?
    He makes his bed in the morning. or He makes his bed before school.
  • What does he do after school?
    He walks the dog after school. or He walks his dog after school.
  • What does she do in the afternoon?
    She cleans the bathroom in the afternoon.
  • What does he do in the evening?
    He sweep the floor in the evening.
  • When does he milk the cow?
    He milks the cow in the morning.
  • What are her chores? Never/ laundry.
    She never does laundry.
  • What are his chores? He/ always/ the floors/ weep.
    He always sweeps the floor.
  • What are her chores? Never/ laundry.
    She never does laundry.
  • When does she vacuum the carpet?
    She vacuums the carpet in the morning/ afternoon.
  • What do they do in the morning?
    They pick vegetables in the morning.
  • What does he do in the morning?
    He collects eggs in the morning.
  • What does she do in the morning?
    She washes the car in the morning.
  • When does he water the plants?
    He waters the plants in the morning.
  • What does he do in the afternoon?
    He washes the dishes in the afternoon.