
I Think I Can! I Can!

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  • What's one thing you would never change about yourself?
    Nice answer!
  • What could you do to make someone else happy today?
    Are you going to do it?
  • Why do you like yourself?
    Is it important to like yourself?
  • How did someone help you recently?
    Did you like it when they did that?
  • What makes you special?
    You are very special!
  • How can you apologize if you hurt someone's feelings?
    Who did you say sorry to recently?
  • What is something that used to scare you, but not any more?
    Are you still scared of some other things?
  • Where can you go to always feel happy?
    When were you there last?
  • What thing always makes you feel happy?
    Do you feel happy now thinking about it?
  • Do you have any surprising hobbies or interests that most people don't know about?
    Does this make you unique?
  • Who do you mean a lot to?
    You're very popular!
  • How did you help someone recently?
    How does that make you feel?
  • What nice things do people say about you?
    They are all true!
  • What are you good at?
    Does this make you feel proud?
  • What are some of your future goals?
    Is it important to have goals?
  • What is one of your favorite memories with a friend from last year?
    Have you talked to your friend recently?