
Encouraging words

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  • Your friend has just arrived at your home. What do you say?
    Welcome back, etc.
  • Do you encourage others when you see them crying? How?
  • What would you want someone to do for you if you were crying publicly?
  • How can you fight discouraging thoughts about yourself?
  • Your friend just won first prize in a cooking contest. What do you say?
    Wow! That's great!
  • What could someone do to encourage you when you feel depressed?
  • Your friend lost $15,000 on the stock market. What do you say?
    That's too bad.
  • Should people just accept whatever comes there way?
  • What person has inspired you the most? How?
  • Your relative just had a healthy baby. What do you say?
  • You haven’t seen your friend for a long time. What do you say when you see him/her again?
    It's good to see you again.
  • What do you do when you feel depressed?
  • What celebrity has inspired you most? How
  • Who do you talk to for encouragement and inspiration?
  • Your friend has a job interview tomorrow. What do you say?
    Good luck! You can do it! 
  • What's the most encouraging book/manga/comic you've ever read?
  • What television show encourages you most?
  • What song encourages you most?
  • Your friend’s dog was hit by a car. He/She is worried, but the dog will be okay. What do you say?
    It's going to be alright. Don't worry.
  • After a short conversation, your friend has to leave. What do you say to him/her?
    It's been nice talking with you, goodbye!
  • What celebrity has inspired you most? How
  • How can you make this world a better place?
  • Your friend’s grandmother just passed away. What do you say?
    I'm sorry to hear that, etc.
  • Which of your family members encourage you most? How?
  • Your friend has a big exam this afternoon. What do you say?
    Do the best you can!
  • Your friend has just arrived at the airport in your city. Welcome him/her.
  • You are seeing your friend off at the airport. What do you say?
    Have a nice trip.
  • Your friend just got a really good score on the exam. What do you say?
    That's really good news.
  • Your friend’s home was destroyed by a fire. What do you say?
    That's terrible!
  • What is a saying in your country that brings encouragement?
  • Who's music encourages you most?
  • How can discouragement help us to grow?
  • Your friend is leaving a party that you hosted. What do you say?
    Goodbye, thanks for coming!
  • What do you do to encourage yourself when going through hard times? Does it work?