
Teens 1 - inicio

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  • Are Raquel and Seung taking a quiz?
    Yes, they are.
  • Why is Miguel happy?
    He's happy because he's helping people.
  • Where's the art museum Alice is looking at the moment?
    It's in New York.
  • Who's Alice sending her collection to?
    She's sending it to her best friend.
  • What is Victoria cooking?
    She's cooking Indian curry.
  • How's Alice visiting museums in New York, Paris and London?
    She's visiting them online.
  • Who is helping Victoria and Cory?
    Their dad is helping them.
  • Who gives food to the food bank?
    Stores and companies give food to the food bank.
  • What's Miguel doing for his sataycation?
    He's volunteering at the food bank.
  • What's Cory cooking?
    He's cooking Thai curry.
  • What are Raquel and Seung doing?
    They're taking a quiz. / They're running around the city and finding the answers.