
Chapter 8 Lesson 2 have to grammar

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  • _________she have ______ wear a helmet? Does, Do, Go to university, have to, he, they, to, very hard
    Does, to
  • Question: Photographers/wear a uniform? Answer___________
    Do photographers have to wear a uniform? No they don´t
  • Question: Lawyers/ go to univeristy? Answer _____________
    Do lawyers have to go to university? Yes they do
  • ______you have to work ________? Does, Do, Go to university, have to, he, they, to, very hard
    Do you have to work very hard?
  • Does _______ _________ __________?Does, Do, Go to university, have to, he, they, to, very hard
    he, have to, go to university?
  • Do_________ have to wear a uniform? Does, Do, Go to university, have to, he, they, to, very hard
  • ______you have to work ________? Does, Do, Go to university, have to, he, they, to, very hard
    Do, very hard?
  • Question: Mechanics/like animals? Answer___________
    Do mechanics have to like animals? No they don´t
  • Do_________ have to wear a uniform? Does Do Go to university have to he they to very hard
  • Question: hairdressers/helmet Answer _______________
    Do hairdressers have to wear a helmet? No they don´t
  • Question: Mechanics/like animals? Answer___________
    Do mechanics have to like animals? No they don´t