
Travel partnets

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  • say comparative sentence: Summer / hot / spring.
    Summer is hotter than spring.
  • say comparative sentence: Autumn / spring / (romantic)
  • open-ended question: Do you prefer relaxing on the beach or doing something athletic?
  • I am usually ___________ my friend. She worries a lot about things. (optimistic)
  • My sister has been trying to eat less because she wants to be ________ me. (thin)
  • Say the opposites adjectives of: Fast / crowded / comfortable
  • say comparative sentence: Planes / fast / trains
    Planes are faster than trains
  • say comparative sentence: Netflix / Desney + (good)
  • It's __________ (far) than we thought.
    further/ farther
  • say comparative sentence: A hotel / expensive / apartment
    A hotel is more expensive than an apartment
  • tell us examples of: irregular adjectives and their comparative form.
  • taller/ dad/ his/ is/ He/ than.
    He is taller than his dad.
  • Act it out: Think about the last time you traveled, Act out the an activity you did and the place you went. do not say any word or sound. you are allowed to draw on the whiteboard
  • Say 5 sentences using comparative adjectives.
  • open-ended question: Do you think traveling is important?
  • say comparative sentence: Cafes / restaurants (cheap) in my city.
  • Correct ot incorrect: I like traveling on a car and we decided to stay to a hotel called SUMMER.
  • say comparative sentence: A cheap hotel / a good hotel (easy to find)
  • Open-ended question: Tell us about a place you want to visit and why you want to go there.
  • say comparative sentence: traveling by car / traveling by bus (bad) on a hot day