
Vocabulary Key for Schools

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  • rubbish
    things that you throw away because you no longer want or need them; trash
  • a lift
    a machine that carries people or goods up and down to different levels in a building
  • wet
    covered with or containing liquid, especially water
  • fuel
    any material that produces heat or power, usually when it is burnt. Vehicles use it to work.
  • blind
    not able to see
  • to borrow
    to take and use something that belongs to somebody else, and return it to them at a later time
  • sight
    ability to see
  • furniture
    objects that are put in a house to make it suitable for living or working, such as tables, chairs, etc.
  • weigh
    being heavy
  • held
    past of HOLD (to take something with your hands)
  • to book something
    to arrange to have or use something on a particular date
  • advice
    an opinion or a suggestion about what somebody should do in a particular situation
  • a smell
    the quality of something that people and animals sense through their noses
  • to deal with something
    to take appropriate action in a particular situation acoording to the context
  • staff
    the group of people who work in an organization
  • a path
    a way or track built or made for people to walk
  • government
    the group of people who are responsible for controlling the country or state
  • to hurt
    to cause physical pain to somebody/yourself; to injure somebody/yourself
  • pastry
    a mixture of flour, fat and water or milk that is rolled out flat to be a base or cover for a pie
  • a receipt
    a piece of paper that shows what goods or services you paid for
  • to look after
    to take care of something or somebody
  • to spend
    to give money to pay for goods or services / to use time for a particular purpose; to pass time
  • main course
    (in a restaurant or at a formal meal) the main or largest part of the meal
  • to be glad
    happy / content
  • ordinary
    common, not different or unusual in any way
  • a skill
    the ability to do something well
  • journey
    the act of travelling from one place to another
  • to arrange
    to plan or organize something in advance / to put things in order
  • a dish
    a flat shallow container for cooking food in or serving it from /
  • disappointed
    upset because something you hoped for has been different from what you expected
  • dessert
    sweet food eaten at the end of a meal
  • pretty
    nice / beautiful
  • clever