
Unit 7 Westrock

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  • In your opinion, what would it be a "healthy discussion"?
    30 seconds
  • in your opinion, what would be some Rules of etiquette during a meeting?
    30 seconds
  • What did Mr Reynolds want to imply by saying “we need to remember to keep our focus”?
    Talk at least for 30 seconds
  • To prevent:
    prevenir, evitar, prover ou motivar?
  • "It’s no help to bicker and go off topic". How would you say this sentence using your own words?
    30 seconds
  • "Cut off and talk over someone else". What dos this sentence mean?
    30 seconds
  • we wanna keep our meeting on track and in the allotted time - try to state the same idea but using different words
    30 sec
  • We need to be careful about our use of jargon. What do you think "jargon" means?
  • I’d like to go over some rules of etiquette. Based on the text, what does "go over" mean?
    talk for at least 30 seconds
  • Prepare for sitting in the meeting beforehand - say it using your ow words
    30 seconds
  • What is the main purpose of the memo?
    30 sec