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  • Who tidy up the bedrooms?
    The children/ Mateo and Gabriela
  • Where do they usually eat lunch on Saturdays?
    They eat in a restaurant or at the park.
  • What floor is the flat on?
    It's on the top floor.
  • Who plays football on Saturday afternoons?
  • Where is the garden?
    The garden is on the rooftop.
  • How many people are there in Garcia family? Who are they?
    There are 4 people in Garcia Family. They are Carlos, Maria, Gabriela and Mateo.
  • When does the family do their chores?
    They do their chores after breakfast on Saturdays.
  • What do they usually do on Saturday evenings?
    They usually watch a film together or play computer games.
  • Does the family live in a house or a flat?
    They live in a flat.
  • Where’s the garage?
    The garage is in the basement.
  • How often do they eat breakfast on Saturdays?
    They always eat breakfast on Saturday mornings.
  • Where do they live now?
    They live in the USA.
  • Where are Garcia family from?
    They are from Mexico.
  • Who sweeps the floor?
  • Who plays tennis on Saturday afternoons?
  • What do they eat for breakfast?
    They eat toast and cereal and drink orange juice.
  • Do they use the stairs?
    No, they usually take the lift.
  • Who washes up?