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  • What is your greatest talent or skill?
  • What is your favorite season? What do you love about it?
  • What is something that you've done for someone else that made you feel really good?
  • What do you like about your home? City? Country?
  • what do you love most about thanksgiving?
  • What makes you hopeful?
  • What positive adjectives do you think people would use to describe you?
  • What is Gratitude?
  • Can you remember a time you received something that you totally didn’t deserve? How did that make you feel?
  • How do you show appreciation for other people?
  • What memory always makes you smile?
  • Why do you think gratitude is important?
  • Do you typically think that you have more than you need, less than you need, or exactly what you need?
  • Who is the most generous person you know? What makes them that way?
  • How can you show gratitude everyday?
  • What’s the best thing that happened to you today?