
collocations make / have / take / do - transform ...

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  • I tried really hard to explain the problem to her (best) I _____________ the problem to her
    did my best to explain
  • My house was seriously damaged in the earthquake (lot) The earthquake ____________________ to my house
    did a lot of damage
  • I found it difficult to understand his accent (trouble) I _______________________________ his accent
    had trouble understanding
  • You should ignore him (notice) You should ______________________ him
    take no notice of
  • my sister and I are completely different (common) I _________________________ my sister
    have nothing in common with
  • You're too loud - please be quiet (noise) you ______________________________ please be quiet
    are making too much noise
  • She's earning a lot of money in her new job (fortune) she ____________________________ in her new job
    is making a fortune
  • He complained to the manager about the food (made) He ________________________ to the manager about the terrible food
    made a complaint
  • Please look after my little sister for me (of) Please _____________________ my little sister for me
    take care of
  • There's no hurry - please don't rush (time) There's no hurry - please ____________________
    take your time
  • I've been on a diet for 6 weeks but I'm still the same weight (difference) My diet has ________________ my weight
    made no difference to