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  • Unscramble: urnt wnod het oelvmu
    turn down the volume
  • Unscramble: nutr no het cmptroue
    turn on the computer
  • When you want to use the website, you have to _______
    log in to the website
  • When you don't use the computer, you have to ________
    turn off the computer
  • look and say
    log in to the website
  • When you don't use the website, you should _______
    log out of the website
  • look and say
    turn down the volume
  • When the sound is low, you should _____ to hear it well.
    turn up the volume
  • When the sound is loud, you should _____ to hear it well.
    turn down the volume
  • When you want to use the computer, you have to _____
    turn on the computer
  • look and say
    turn up the volume
  • Uscramble: nurt fof het cmptroue
    turn off the computer
  • look and say
    turn on the computer
  • look and say
    turn off the computer
  • Unscramble: gol uto fo het sewtbei
    log out of the website
  • Unscramble: gol ni ot het sewtbei
    log in to the website
  • Unscramble: urnt pu het oelvmu
    turn up the volume
  • look and say
    log out of the website