
5th: routines and weather

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  • What's the weather usually like in Miami?
    In Miami the SUN usually SHINES.
  • When I finish school...
    I ARRIVE home
  • What do they sometimes do at night?
    They sometimes WATCH TV at night.
  • What does she sometimes do after shcool?
    She sometimes TAKES the dog for a walk after school.
  • What's the weather like at the moment?
    At the moment IT'S SNOWING.
  • What do you always do in the morning?
    I always WAKE up in the morning.
  • What's the weather usually like in Tenerife?
    In Tenerife IT'S usually warm.
  • What does she usually do?
    She usually BRUSHES her teeth.
  • What's the weather usually like in Seattle?
    In Seattle IT'S usually FOGGY.
  • What's the weather like today?
    Today IT'S RAINING!
  • What's the weather usually like in Moscow?
    IT usually SNOWS.
  • She is always late, so...
    She never LEAVES home early.
  • What does she do every day to go to school?
    She CATCHES the bus every day to go to school.
  • What's the weather like today?
    Today the sun IS SHINING.
  • After all the rain, you are...
  • What does she always do in the morning?
    In the morning she always HAS a shower.