
Int.4 Final Review

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  • How much flour does he need?
    He needs a cup of flour.
  • How many aprons do we have? (3)
    We have three aprons.
  • Has she climbed mountain before?
    Yes, she has.
  • Answer: No, I rarely do.
    Do you iron your clothes before you go to bed?
  • Answer: He needs a half cup of water.
    How much water does he need?
  • Has she ever been to Italy?
    Yes, she has.
  • Answer: He's walking quickly.
    Is he walking slowly or quickly?
  • Is she writing carefully or carelessly?
    She's writing carelessly.
  • Have you ever been to India?
    Yes, I have.
  • Answer: He's talking loudly.
    How is he talking?
  • Answer: No, he doesn't.
    Does he have enough cooking oil?
  • Have you ever been to Italy?
    No, I haven't.
  • Answer: Yes, he does.
    Does he have enough salt?
  • Does she have enough food coloring? (Yes)
    Yes, she does.
  • How many aprons do they have? (2)
    They have a few aprons.
  • Has she gone rafting before?
    No, she hasn't.
  • How much modeling clay do they have? (2)
    They have a little modeling clay.
  • How is he writing?
    He's writing carefully.
  • How much masking tape do we have? (6)
    We have six rolls of masking tape.
  • Answer: Yes, I usually do.
    Do you floss your teeth before you go to bed?
  • Have you ever been to Kenya?
    Yes, I have.
  • Do you check your calendar before you go to bed? (always)
    Yes, I always do.
  • How much cardboard do we have? (5)
    We have five sheets of cardboard.
  • Has she ever been to India?
    No, she hasn't.
  • How much cardboard do they have? (7)
    They have a lot of cardboard.