
Feelings and phrases to talk about experiences

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  • 8. Poodles and Golden Retrievers are extremely ANNOYED/ANNOYING.
    Poodles and Golden Retrievers are extremely ANNOYING.
  • 6. These holidays, I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO……………………..
    These holidays, I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO……………… -ING ……..
  • 4. Next year, I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO ……………………..
    Next year, I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO ………-ING
  • 7. Before an exam, it’s reasonable and it’s OK to feel ………………..
    Before an exam, it’s reasonable and it’s OK to feel NERVOUS.
  • 2. Are you good AT ……...… WITH problems in your life?
    Are you good AT DEALING WITH problems in your life?
  • 9. I feel JEALOUS/WORRIED of Korean fans.
    I feel JEALOUS of Korean fans.
  • 10. I was a bit EMBARRASSED/DISAPPOINTED when I got the highest mark in my class.
    I was a bit EMBARRASSED when I got the highest mark in my class.
  • 5. Do you feel …………………. after you lie to your parents?
    Do you feel GUILTY after you lie to your parents?
  • 3. I HANG OUT WITH …………………. because ………………..
    I HANG OUT WITH ………………. because …………………..
  • 1. It was DEPRESSED/DEPRESSING to lose the final against Germany.
    It was DEPRESSING to lose the final against Germany.