
Places in a city 2 - why do you go there? To...

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  • Why do people go to a gym?
    To get fit/to work out or...
  • You go to a bus stop to
    wait for a bus
  • Why do you go to a police station?
    To renew your ID card/to report a crime or...
  • Why do you go to a bank?
    To get money
  • You go to a toyshop to
    get fun things
  • We go to a zoo to
    see wild animals/see dolphins or...
  • You go to a pet shop to
    get food for your dog/buy a lead/buy toys for your pet or...
  • Why do you go to a restaurant?
    To eat sushi, pizza or hamburgers
  • You go to a chemist to
    buy medicine
  • You go to a playground to
    have fun on the swings and slides
  • You go to a car park
    to park your vehicle/park your car or...
  • Why do you go to a disco?
    To dance
  • We go to the butcher's to
    buy steak and hamburgers/buy meat or...
  • I go to a supermarket to
    buy food
  • You go to a bakery to
    buy bread and cakes
  • Why do you go to the post office?
    To pick up or send a parcel/to buy stamps or...
  • You go to a bookshop to
    buy a novel/buy a book or...
  • You go to a hospital to
    get treatment/have an operation or...
  • You go to a stadium to
    watch sports/see a football match or...
  • You go to a sweetshop to
    buy chocolate and lollipops/sweeties or...