
Teen Talent U1L8

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  • My mother _____ coffee every morning.
  • We usually use it for urgent matters. In this hobby we race using this instrument.
    A toilet (toilet racing)
  • She held up a piece of paper with some lines of text written on it. Who is she?
  • Paul and Sue _____ English on Monday.
  • They were talking about how to spend the money, rather than preparing for the competition. Who are they?
    Jack and Chelsea
  • This was used a few years ago to listened to music. Now you draw with its content.
    A cassette tape (tape art)
  • She _____ to school by bus.
  • Is Erica coming home from the hospital?
    Yes, for a visit
  • It is a drink. In this hobby, you draw on it.
    A latte (latte art)
  • He stood on stage in front of a crowd of teenagers. Who is he?
    Heston Parks
  • What kind of clothes does Chelsea need to be in the band with Mike and Jason?
    Black leather clothes
  • Some people decorate it, but in this hobby, you sculpt it. You can also eat it.
    An egg (eggshell carving)
  • She is _____ on the trampoline.
  • John is _____ his guitar at Sam’s party.
  • What kind of music do Mike and Jason like?
    Heavy metal
  • They were waiting for her in their music practice room. Who are they?
    Daniel, Jack, and Holly
  • Jimmy is _____ a vegan cheese cake.
  • They didn’t like the way Chelsea sang. Who are they?
    Daniel, Jack, and Holly
  • How many mugs of tea did Mrs. Parris pour?
  • What colour is Erica's hair?
  • Laura _____ her car to work every day.
  • Why did Mrs. Parris warn Jack to be careful?
    Because women like Chelsea can be dangerous
  • How did Jack's mum describe Chelsea?
    The peroxide blonde who wears too much make-up
  • Linda is _____ her new dress.
  • This animal was used in historical times for travelling. This hobby includes this animal.
    A horse (horseback riding)
  • We _____ our bikes to the park every day.
  • My father is _____ to work.
  • What did Mrs. Parris show Jack?
    A picture of his sister Erica