
solu 1e

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  • My mom said, 'let me keep your lucky money, I'll give it back to you after Tet,' She won't............. her promise.
    go back on
  • Which is heavier - a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?
  • He didn't [fulfil] his parent's expectations and failed to get 10 at Ielts
    live up to
  • I couldn't [tolerate] her any longer, so I went out and found a new crush
    put up with
  • What invention lets you look right through a wall?
  • My brother is always making ambitious plans, but he never [completes] them.
    goes through with
  • The teacher didn't notice that we hadn't done the homework. We .......... it.
    got away with
  • Peter loves playing with barbie dolls, but his best friend doesn't ............ it at all.
    go in for
  • That child doesn't [behave like] the rest of the class because he prefers to play on his own.
    fit in with
  • Don't ................ me when I'm speaking to you. It's very rude
    walk out on
  • The starter wasn't very tasty, but the main course .......... it. It was delicious!
    made up for
  • Can you ......... this word in the dictionary for me? I don't understand what it means.
    look up