
Regular verbs Past Simple

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  • Choose the past form of the verb: HUG
    1. Hugged 2. huged 3.huggies 4. Huggies
  • Choose the past form of the verb: WALK
    1.Walkd 2.Walkied 3.Walkeed 4.Walked
  • Choose the past form of the verb: PRAY
    1. Prayied 2. Prayed 3.Praied 4.Prayd
  • Choose the past form of the verb: MARRY
    1. Marryed 2. Marred 3.Maried 4.Married
  • Choose the past form of the verb: ANSWER
    1. Answered 2. Answerred 3.Answerd 4. Answeried
  • Choose the past form of the verb: WASH
    1.Wasshed 2.Washed 3.Washied 4.Walsh
  • Choose the past form of the verb: WORK
    1. Workied 2. Workked 3.Workd 4.Worked
  • Choose the past form of the verb: LOVE
    1. Loved 2.Lovied 3.Lovved 4.Loveed
  • Choose the past form of the verb: WORRY
    1. Worryied 2. Worryed 3. Worred 4. Worried
  • Choose the past form of the verb: FIX
    1. Fixxed 2.Fixed 3.Fixied 4. Fixd
  • Choose the past form of the verb: DRY
    1.Driyed 2.Dryied 3.Dried 4.Dryed
  • Choose the past form of the verb: END
    1. ended 2.ends 3. endded 4.endd
  • Choose the past form of the verb: CRY
    1.Cried 2.Cryed 3.Cryd 4.Criyed
  • Choose the past form of the verb: LOOK
    1.Lookied 2. Lookked 3. Loked 4.Looked
  • Choose the past form of the verb: KISS
    1.Kissed 2.Kisseed 3.kissd 4.Kissied
  • Choose the past form of the verb: DANCE
    1.Dancd 2.Dancied 3.Danceed 4.Danced
  • Choose the past form of the verb: CLIMB
    1. Climbbed 2. Climbed 3.Climbied 4.Climbeed
  • Choose the past form of the verb: STUDY
    1.Studed 2.Studyed 3.Studied 4.Studded
  • Choose the past form of the verb: CALL
    1. Callied 2.Called 3.Calleed 4.Calld
  • Choose the past form of the verb: PROTECT
    1. Protected 2. Protectted 3.Protectied 4.Protectd
  • Choose the past form of the verb: FRY
    1.Fryed 2.Fried 3.Fryied 4.Friyed
  • Choose the past form of the verb: STOP
    1. Stopped 2.Stoped 3.Stoppied 4.Stops
  • Choose the past form of the verb: CLAP
    1. Claped 2. Clapped 3. Clappies 4.Clap
  • Choose the past form of the verb: SKIP
    1. Skipped 2.Skips 3. Skkiped 4. Skiped
  • Choose the past form of the verb: POINT
    1. Point 2. Pointeed 3. Pointed 4.Pointied