
Tech Savvy?

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  • Can you download songs from this website? I don't know
    I don't know if you can download songs from this website
  • they / where / are / Can you tell me ?
    Can you tell me where they are?
  • Is the new iPhone available? I need to know
    I need to know if the new iPhone is available.
  • when / you / Can you remember / it / last changed / ?
    Can you remember when you last changed it?
  • When does the class start? Can you tell me?
    Can you tell me when the class starts?
  • Which videogame should I choose? I'm not sure
    I'm not sure which videogame I should choose.
  • Why my camera isn't working? I have no idea
    I have no idea why my camera isn't working.
  • last changed it / when / I don't know / I
    I don't remember when I last changed it.
  • Are there any interesting movies on Netflix? I want to know
    I want to know if there are any interesting movies on Netflix.
  • two / if / I / wonder / should / batteries / buy
    I wonder if I should buy two batteries
  • why / isn't / I have no idea / working / it
    I have no idea why it isn't working.
  • which battery / Do you know / shoud / buy / I ?
    Do you know which battery I should buy?
  • it / Do you have any idea / how much / costs / ?
    Do you have any idea how much it costs?
  • Should I buy a new computer? Can you tell me?
    Can you tell me if I should buy a new computer?